A.I.G Insider, Crosshair on the fraudsters + Thermodynamic Economics [how to survive]
(troppo vecchio per rispondere)
2008-10-03 06:07:18 UTC
Version 1.0 (update in progress) 9/30/2008)


'The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of
knowledge.' "Steven Hawking"

I find it a very useful yoga when I wake up every day to ask myself...
'Am I a useful idiot?' You never know.'

My interpretation of useful idiot refers to the mislead individuals
throughout the compartmentalized hierarchical structure of society,
government, military, religion, and or mafia the world over (usually
people that aren't necessarily idiots, or ill intending, but unfortunate
to be simply brainwashed, misinformed, naive, and or ignorant to facts
due to being indoctrinated with propaganda through the mass media,
public education, and other vectors) who believe and act what they are
told, regardless of how they feel internally. Regardless how horrid,
illogical, self destructive, corrupt, and weak their missions, or
"masters" actually are;

Cynicism is what passes for insight when courage is lacking. It is never
too late for change. To know the truth is to have power fearlessness.
Ignorance is regret just waiting to happen, so stand up and
get active...

"There is only one thing for it then--to learn. Learn why the world
wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never
exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust,
and never dream of regretting...' -T.H. White, The Once and Future King.


Please do your the research and verify these findings: Jack Blood of
gcnlive.com interviews Richard Andrew Grove, an AIG insider and whistle

Here is the
link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6546044203900048624

Get the archive at www.Gcnlive.com. Also check out these sites:


Here are some more articles that follow the bread crumb trail that lead
to our current crisis:

The Secret (Insurance) Agent Men

Greenberg Making a Play for AIG?

The liar-in-chief hard sells the bailout By Jerry Mazza (Sept 26 2008)

9/11 and the Greenberg Familia By Jerry Mazza (Sept 29 2006)

Blogs: Peter Dale Scott; (more whistle blowing and behind the scenes
information about AIG and other frauds)


Letter: 'Banksters' increase oil costs

Four dollars and two cents a gallon. Saying "unbelievable" would be a lie.

In 1971, Lindsey Williams, a Baptist minister, who wrote "The Non-Energy
Crisis" while chaplain on/during the Alaskan oil pipeline construction,
sat in on the secret meetings, where a top oil company, World Bank and
International Monetary Fund (IMF) executives met to establish "before
the fact" future prices. Why should this interest anyone/everyone? Peak
oil affects every nation and almost every person in the world. Seeking a
multi-level item that would affect not just one area, transportation,
but all householders, businesses, and health providers - poor and rich
alike - the common denominator chosen was oil.

Whether through transportation, commonly used items, health,
environment, daily life or enjoyment, oil is involved. Gasoline is only
one part of "oil." Nations can rise or fall, depending on oil. The Bush
family's interests and old connections with terrorists before Iraq were
involved in oil. Oil equals money. Money equals banksters.

Oil company executives were pawns as are you and I. World control is
through hidden financiers who in 1913 set up the Federal Reserve Bank
(Act), stripping our nation of its wealth through use of created
Monopoly-type "notes" with their "promise to pay," after doing away with
gold and silver, which formerly backed our Treasury-created paper money.
A booklet, "Billions for the Bankers, Debt for the People," in simple
language told of the banksters' scheme. Our dead carcass nation, eaten
inside out by financial leeches, still externally shows the U.S.A. as a
beautiful entity, once admired and followed, now hated by the world at
large, is leading lemming nations into destruction. Financiers'
planned-for predictions of many years ago are coming to fruition.

Four dollars and two cents a gallon. Heck, that's only the start.

Ann Stoddard

Thermodynamic Economics
A dialog on the MAI-not list

From Edward Deak

I started reading economics in '82 and by '85 I came to the inescapable
conclusion, later supported by many scientist friends and never broken
by anybody, that: Monetary economic efficiency doesn't exist and the
only economic efficiency is the thermodynamic one. Therefore, costs can
not be cut by monetary manipulations, only through the reduction of
physical inputs of resource/energy.

The 'law' I wrote was:

A Principle for the application of physical efficiency to economics:

An efficient product contains physically efficient or ideal amounts of
energy and matter, regardless of numerical or monetary considerations.
Monetary cost efficiency can not exist outside the concepts of physical
efficiency and becomes a cost transfer on other sectors. Therefore it is
not efficiency, but temporary convenience. Nothing can be made 'cheaper'
than the limits of physical efficiency of 'no waste'.

Fiduciary money is a concept, not a reality and can not overrule the
laws of physical, or ecological efficiency. Somebody, something,
sometime, somewhere must pay the full costs.

In the past 13 years I have never had the slightest reason to change
this. The reason that I concentrated on the concept of efficiency was
that if and when the true laws of economic efficiency are recognized and
implemented, virtually all the problems caused by the present false
concepts will be eliminated. It won't bring Nirvana and to a great

extent it will mean cutting back on many things we now accept as part of
the system, therefore it will bring on the loss of certain luxuries.
However, because of the simplicity involved in the application of 'low
resource inputs to reach certain targets' can be understood by anyone
and there's no argument about them.

-All the very best, Ed (Ed Deak, Big Lake, BC)

Monday, January 15, 2007
Principles of Community Based Economics

We live in an economic and political world characterized by several
overarching themes. First, the need for ever-increasing and faster
economic 'growth'. Second, a rapidly increasing scale in terms of the
size and power of business and government. Finally, the continuous
concentration of wealth and power in the hands of fewer and fewer.

Over the past 200 or so years, politics has focused on ideological
systems relating to forms of ownership and simplistic principles of
economics. This is most often referred to as the left-right political
spectrum. At times it is expressed as socialism vs. capitalism. The
problem is that both ends of this spectrum use material wealth and its
method of distribution as the basis for the system.

A third way focuses on outcomes, and the priority of people over
systems. It makes material wealth and economics the servant, not the end
in itself. The focus becomes community. This is most commonly known as
community based economics. Community based economics stands in contrast
to that which would usurp, exploit and destroy our community and our
Community based economics can be characterized by four key ideas.

1. Scale down.

By now we should all be aware of the problems related to consuming food
from thousands of kilometers away, and the effect this has on local
producers, and our own health. Also, those of us who work for large,
impersonal corporations may be acutely aware that we are simply 'working
for the man'; that the job is insignificant and going nowhere. Much of
this stems from the 'bigger is better' mentality. The result is often
the far flung economic enterprise of amoral multinational corporations.

In 1973, Theodore Roszak provided a good description of what would later
be called community-based economics: a libertarian political economy
that distinguishes itself from orthodox socialism and capitalism by
insisting that the scale of organization must be treated as an
independent and primary problem. Bigness is [its] nemesis ... whether
the bigness is that of public or private bureaucracies, because from
bigness comes impersonality, insensitivity, and a lust to concentrate
abstract power.

While smaller scale does not guarantee subjective, democratic, community
control, it is fairly safe to say that large-scale, distant, remote
ownership precludes it.

2. Slow down

Our current economic reality can be likened to a treadmill where someone
turns the speed up a notch each year. Indeed the basic theory of our
economic system dictates that we must have this ever increasing and
faster 'growth'. More money changing hands each year is somehow assumed
to mean more prosperity and quality of life. A closer look reveals that
this is often not the case. We spend our time and energy trying to
accumulate more 'stuff', always feeling like we're short of money, then
one day we realize that our kids are grown up and gone and the SUV's
rusted out.

Under our current system, economic theory has moved from being a tool; a
means to an end, and has become the end in itself. Ultimately we
sacrifice personal and community growth for economic growth. Economics
should be used to facilitate personal and community growth.

3. Democratize

Generally there are two streams of thought on this matter. The first
says that citizens should run the show. The second says that the average
citizen is not intelligent enough to inform decisions of community
importance. I know some people personally who freely admit being in the
second group. Traditionally this divide has contributed to the
underlying values of Canadian political parties. 150 years ago, when
Canadian society was largely based on a class structure, the privileged
class wielded political power on behalf of the 'dumb masses'.
Unfortunately much of this class structure has remained in our two
dominant political entities, the Liberal and Conservative parties. The
former Reform party, and currently the Greens represent the other side
of the 'power' debate, believing in participatory democracy, and
electoral reform.

4. Decentralize.

Often this word sends chills down the spine of power-protective
politicians. Many in the past have tried to discredit the idea of
decentralization based on efficiency arguments and a perceived need for
national stability. What our overly centralized system has gotten us is
exactly what its proponents said it would not; a sense of alienation and
separatist movements in various regions of the country, and a lack of
efficiency due to bloated bureaucracies.
What is needed instead is a decentralization of economic and political
systems to counter the current concentration of wealth and power. With
this would come a diversification of forms; things being done
differently in different places to match the local reality. This is not
to say that everything should or can be done on a local level. All
levels of government have their role. What is currently needed however
is a counterbalance to the current overemphasis on higher levels of
government and the over-concentration of power. By allowing various
regions of the country more power in directing their destinies we would
quickly see the separatist movements melt away and local economies improve.

If you're still skeptical, do your own test. Think about some of the
major challenges we currently face in our society such as climate
change, lack of job quality, exploitation of labour, breakdown of
relationships. Ask yourself how these issues would fare under the
changes described above.
Ultimately these ideas represent a move toward sustainability; a better
balance between our natural environment, technology, and people.
The current dominant system of perpetual economic growth stands in
contrast to the need for deep community and living more lightly on the
earth. Can we change in time?

A discussion on economics generally make my eyes glaze over, but I am
increasing coming to believe that folks like Ed (and Shane) are correct
when they say that we must not let the 'economists' lead us to the
belief that their way is the right way. It is worthwhile Googleing Ed's
articles but don't get confused with the US economics professor of the
same name. This is but one article from him.

Ecology and economy are inseparable

[ED DEAK, a resident of rural British Columbia, has spent much of the
past decade posting a great deal of his observations on economics from a
commonsense, physical point of view. Ed is not an economist, which is a
strength not a weakness as he is able, through not being indoctrinated
and enmeshed in economists' makebelieve, to get straight to the physical
realities behind economic life. Among other strengths he is a primary
producer (taken up in retirement from small manufacturing in Vancouver)
and an accomplished artist (and artists do brush aside the trivial and
get to the heart of matters). Over a number of years Ed personally and
avidly made a close study of the writings of the economics profession
and his conclusions were bleak. One outcome of this is a regular
bulletin he writes under the title Fiat Lux (Let there be light) and we
publish here most of his No. 126 (minus material related only to
Canada). If readers like it, let's know and we'll publish some more next
time. -- Editor]

Self-sufficiency is one of the most important things in life, whether
we're talking about individuals, families, societies, countries and
ultimately the whole world. Anybody with the slightest intelligence
should be able to see that the presently dominating neoclassical market
economy theory is driving the world into poverty, destitution and
self-destruction. The reasons are very logical and obvious, yet our
governments are trying their best to ram this criminal theory down the
public's throat on the orders of the multinational Mafia who make the
largest donations to and virtually own the ruling Parties.
Both words 'ecology' and 'economy' originate with the ancient Greek word
'oikos', meaning 'household', therefore the two are inseparable.
'Ecology' means the functioning and 'economy' the management of the
household. We can not have an economy without a functioning ecology,
because all living creatures and organisms rely on some form of resource
conversion for every second of their existence and it is the ecology
that provides it. To preserve the sustainability of species, starting at
the micro levels and overlapping into regional and global, ecologies
evolved into self sustaining systems that automatically adjust and
balance themselves to slow down resource conversion. At the same time
human economic theories have been built on the premise of the largest
possible degree of resource conversion, regardless of the ecological
consequences, which is then called 'wealth' in every language.

Temporary control

I define this as: 'Wealth and property are the temporary control of
energy and resources'. As we can not create, or destroy either resources
or energy, only convert them into other forms, wealth, or profits can
not be created, only taken from other sectors, or the ecology. And this
causes the biggest crime waves and mass murdering rampages at every
level and in every age of history, whitewashed and justified in
textbooks and religions as 'our glorious past'.

There are hundreds and thousands of examples the consequences of failed
economic theories in history with dead cities and vanished civilizations
all over the world. All because they have either run out of resources
they used up and wasted, or ran out of strength to steal them from
others. The purpose of past colonizations with the force of arms and now
with the perceived power of imaginary capital has always been and still
is the theft of resources from other parts of the world. History shows
that ultimately all past colonizing powers and empires have burned out
and collapsed into oblivion, regardless what their rulers and priests
have promised to them.

The theory of the 'survival of the fittest' is total nonsense, because
in an ecosystem it is not the fittest who survive, as indeed it is
impossible to determine which life form is the so-called fittest -- but
the species the ecology needs for its own survival to slow down resource
conversion and eliminate waste, which may be at the local, area, or
global levels. There's no escape from this natural law. When certain
species become useless, or damaging for the survival of the ecology, the
system will destroy them. It has happened to many animal species and
human societies in the past and is happening to ours, regardless what
some nutcase economists and politicians promise.
Every past ruling society has relied heavily on lies by their leaders
and priesthoods, as we can witness it now, in our own times, while they
are pushing the human race downhill into self destruction. To perpetrate
their lies, ruling societies always rely heavily on phoney religious
doctrines and the twisting of words and concepts into new languages to
make their subjects believe that the crimes they are committing are
blessed by the gods, perfectly acceptable and legal.

Our present self-destructive economic system, as in the histories of all
past empires, is built on lies to legalise theft from others and the
ecology. The holy trinity of the neoclassical theory, the GDP, growth
and productivity, are built on the misused concept of 'efficiency',
which in twisted minds means the largest profits for the least monetary
inputs. Of course, like every dogma of this fraudulent system the use of
this word is barefaced lie.
Scientific laws sector-neutral In physics and engineering, efficiency
means the most work done with the least resource and energy inputs.
Scientific laws must be sector-neutral and apply equally to everything
and everybody, regardless of race, colour or creed, financial, or
societal standing. Scientific laws and numbers can not be made to favour
any special interest group, or sector and can not be handed over to any
to be used for their own benefit. The minute we open up science and
physical laws to represent imaginary concepts, we are not only
committing a self destructive-act, but also a crime, because then they
can be used for illegal purposes as they have been through history and
in our time.

Monetary values can not be used to define efficiency, because they are
not realities, but often violence- induced, temporary perceptions.
Neither can they be used for economic calculations, because they mean
absolutely nothing and their only purpose is to mislead people and keep
a self-appointed ruling class in power. As we can see it in our everyday
lives, on account of this fraudulent definition of economic efficiency,
the biggest crooks and con artists have the right to steal, rob,
dispossess anybody of their properties, jobs, businesses and even commit
mass murder many parts of the world, especially in oil-producing
countries, so they can report increasing 'earnings' on the stock
markets. As the biggest criminals and murderers in history have been
idolized as conquering heroes, we are now supposed to idolize the
present bunch when they do the same with the perceived power of monetary
capital freshly created by the banks in selected countries.

It is not funny, when we consider that banks of certain countries are
permitted to create monetary capital out of the blue against and to
exploit the resources of other societies, who are not permitted to
benefit from what they already own. This is biggest con job in history
and the perfect crime.


'Life is the result of the struggle between dynamic opposites: Form
Chaos, substance and oblivion... light and dark... all the infinite
variations of the yin and yang... when the pendulum swings in favour of
one, it eventually swings back in favor of its opposite... thus the
balance of the universe is maintained."

This is the moment... stop them
Big Bad Bob
2008-10-03 04:46:35 UTC
Post by One?.Man.Army
I find it a very useful yoga when I wake up every day to ask myself...
'Am I a useful idiot?' You never know.'
no. and it stopped being funny after the 4th time you posted it.

it's a fair bet this is a robot-troll and the poster will never read
about what an irritating self-absorbed brown-nosed tit-head he really is.

(snip some cross-posting, left a couple for grins - hello from alt.hacker)
2008-10-04 08:11:53 UTC
Post by Big Bad Bob
Post by One?.Man.Army
I find it a very useful yoga when I wake up every day to ask
myself... 'Am I a useful idiot?' You never know.'
no. and it stopped being funny after the 4th time you posted it.
it's a fair bet this is a robot-troll and the poster will never read
about what an irritating self-absorbed brown-nosed tit-head he really is.
(snip some cross-posting, left a couple for grins - hello from
You maybe quite CORRECT ,,,, But the guy is the real-thing; A "ZEALOT" ...
But the real-thing. ;o)

(you may be still able to get the information on him and "A.I.G." by using
the headers ?)


Dreams are composed of many things, my son. Of images and hopes, of fears
and memories.
Memories of the past, and memories of the future ...
